Web Development.

JavaScript, Node.JS, SQL, PHP, React - WhaT?

Web Developing

3.58 billion internet users worldwide.

At Mobile Marketing, our culture develops great people who do exceptional work. We are a family built on trust and honest relationships that have led to seamless flow between team members, allowing us to deliver holistic digital experiences to our clients. Being here is more than just a job to us, it’s our passion. The open-minded atmosphere created by empathetic and humble leaders helps to fuel our desire for innovation and creative excellence. Our team isn’t afraid to challenge one another and hold each department to only the highest standards. We aren’t happy with success, we strive for greatness.

What is web development?

Web development broadly refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet or internet. The web development process includes web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting and network security configuration, among other tasks.

Web development | Mobile Marketing, LLC

Taking what we know &
making you better.

  • The Difference Between Web Development and Web Design

    Imagine a web designer and web developer working together to build a car: the developer would take care of all the functional components, like the engine, the wheels and the gears, while the designer would be responsible for both the visual aspects — how the car looks, the layout of the dashboard, the design of the seats — and for the user experience provided by the car, so whether or not it’s a smooth drive.

  • A Brief History

    1965: The first WAN (Wide Area Network)
    The internet is essentially a network of networks, connecting all different WANs. WAN stands for Wide Area Network, a telecommunications network that spans a large geographical distance. The first WAN was established in 1965 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Later on, this WAN would be known as ARPANET. It was initially funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense.

    1969: The first ever internet message
    In October 1969, UCLA student Charley Kline sent the first ever internet message. He tried to send the word “login” to a computer at the Stanford Research Institute via the ARPANET network, but the system crashed after the first two letters. However, about an hour later, the system recovered and the full text was successfully delivered.

    1970s: The rise of the LAN (Local Area Network)
    The early 70s saw the development of several experimental LAN technologies. LAN stands for Local Area Network, a computer network that connects nearby devices in the same buildings — such as in schools, universities, and libraries. Some notable milestones include the development of Ethernet at Xerox Parc from 1973-1974, and the development of ARCNET in 1976.

    1982 - 1989: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Internet Protocol (IP), the Domain Name System and Dial-Up Access
    In 1982, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) emerged as the ARPANET protocol, and TCP/IP remains the standard internet protocol today. In 1983, the Domain Name System was established, providing a more user-friendly way of labelling and designating websites (i.e. careerfoundry.com instead of a series of numbers). In 1987, Cisco shipped its first router, and in 1989, World.std.com became the first commercial provider of dial-up internet access.

    1990: Tim Berners-Lee and HTML
    In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) developed HTML — HyperText Markup Language. HTML became, and still is, a fundamental building block of the internet.

    1991: The World Wide Web Goes Mainstream
    With the rise of the visual internet browser, the World Wide Web made its way into the mainstream. As of 2018, there are more than 4 billion internet users around the globe.

  • What Does a Web Developer Do?

    The role of the web developer is to build and maintain websites & make sure they run smoothly. Our web developers are best in class!  The work on small sites, ecommerce websites, and large heavy transactional - lead generation websites.

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