Email Marketing
Email for all.
Most businesses know that email is a powerful tool when it comes to both acquiring new customers and maintaining relationships with pre-existing ones. At Mobile Marketing, we help you confront the question: "Are my email campaigns actually reaching people?"
At Mobile Marketing, we understand that your customers all have different needs. Some want to know more about your business before making a purchase. Some aren't sure which product or service to go with. Others may have bought from you before and are more interested in giveaways or how-to guides. We help you cater to all of them!
How do we
measure success?
We take a fully automated approach to email marketing. Automation gives us the ability to segment your audience, delivering more effective and relevant information. As an example, consider someone who has recently purchased carpet. You'd likely want to send them a carpet care guide—not a hardwood care guide. By A/B testing different messaging and tracking how customers engage with various emails over time, we can refine our approach and deliver you the best possible results.
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Engage with
your audience
The true power of email marketing is found in the data your campaigns provide. We'll track your audience's activity including how often they open your emails, how often they click, what they're clicking on, and more. We can then use this information to further re-engage.
Think of email marketing like this: if you've ever seen clickbait or have found yourself displeased with the results of a Google search, you know how frustrating it can be to receive information that is neither honest nor useful. You need to keep your audience satisfied when you engage with them with these elements and more:
Catchy subjects
The headline of your email needs to entice people enough that they click to open it.
Solid opening lines
The first few words of an email will convince your audience if it's worth their time.
Clear calls to action
People don’t have time to read in-depth emails. Make the purpose clear.
Mobile optimization
Is your email mobile-friendly? It should be!